On Wednesday, 21 October 2015, Shahin Gharghi <shahin@gharghi.ir> wrote:

> They need IP more than every country and they can't have even ONE IPv6.

What's stoping Iranian LIRs getting an IPv6 allocation from the NCC?

​Iran has a lot of IPv6 allocation but can't announce any.

I think the answer expected was to clarify (for whomever is interested) why Iran companies can't announce IPv6.

> Even they can't buy IP from outside of country because of sanctions.

Solving the sanctions problem isn't within RIPE's control.

​RIPE NCC can ease the process.​
​People mentioned Iran as instance, so I explained the situation. Community has to agree that Iran and similar countries are a part of community and they can see the proposals from their own view. ​
​You are talking about making IPv4 available in future, and one of the biggest user of IPv4 in future is Iran or similar countries, so it seems we have to look at them.

Really ? We are all concerned about IPv6 future here and you think we should focus on the IPv4 future ? Didn't we all agree that IPv4 is (should be) dead ?

Again, what are you talking about sanctions ? As I mentioned Iran is the largest importer of IPv4 space and it comes from all over the region.
