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That doesn't change the fact that the IPv4 Policy is in need over a complete overhaul. It has served well for many years in a world where there was a large pool of un-allocated space that could be distributed according to need. That is no longer the world we live in.
[Milton L Mueller] completely agree. Indeed, have been saying this for five years.
It is in my opinion not enough to just cut out a few sections and make a few edits. The current document is very much written for a world that no longer exists and it probably needs a complete rewrite from scratch.
[Milton L Mueller] We are gaining experience with transfer markets. There is still a small but entrenched old guard that throws up roadblocks to this change, mostly in the area of needs assessments and unrealistic time frames for defining need. In the meantime, scarcity and market-related incentives are eroding the old principles behind the scenes - all in ways that are quite predictable to any economist. Until community fears of market trading and bogeymen related to "speculation" are overcome, it will be difficult to "overhaul" v4 allocation policies in the way that is needed.