On 07.07.2014 12:45, Daniel Baeza (Red y Sistemas TVT) wrote:
Hi all,
This is another topic about Last /8. Im seeing in the Listing Service ppl offering their last /22 from the 185/8 For example, creating a LIR on 1st January cost arround 4.000€ (more or less) and selling the whole allocation at currect prices (lets say, 8€/IP) is giving you a benefit of ~4.000€ Generally, I'd +1 this ...
Anyway, there may be legitimate situations where transfer of the IP space might be permissable ... Maybe a rule could be defined that states something like this: (rough draft, just my 0.02€) Any /22 assignment from the last /8 can not be transfered to a different LIR. Upon losing LIR status or being sold/merged to another LIR results in the assignment being withdrawn within a reasonable time frame to allow for ordered migration. Exceptions can be made on a case-by-case decision if: * the LIR is being sold/merged to another LIR and has additional, older IPv4 assignments that are also fully transfered (no partial transfer) at the same time to the same LIR * the LIR is being sold/merged to another LIR and does not hold any other IPv4 spaces and has been operational using the IP space for longer than 2 years; usage has to be proved based on routing records or similar In either case, detailed information regarding the technical need for the transferal of the /22 to a different LIR has to be provided in order for an exception to the non-transferal rule to be granted by RIPE NCC. .... something like that would on the one hand prevent for-profit schemes and depleting the /8 pool unnecessarily, while the exception would allow legitimate uses without having to renumber (which may cause license problems, and possibly lots of work on the side of the end customers, though I doubt that static resources would make sense using last /8 IPs ...) Either way, transferal should always require a full transfer of an LIR to another ... if the old LIR is simply going out of business (either completely, or dropping their ISP branch), there is no technical requirement to warrant a transfer of the IPs to a different LIR, as the customers will most likely have to do some reconfiguration anyway ... (like new lines, etc.) -garry