Dear Aleksey,

The RIPE Document, "RIPE Resource Transfer Policies" (ripe-682), states that transfers between LIR accounts belonging to the same member fall within the scope of the RIPE Resource Transfer Policy. This means that resources cannot be transferred for 24 months, whether they were received from RIPE NCC, through a policy transfer or a change in an organisation's business structure:

The RIPE NCC procedural document mentions this same limitation:

However, resources can be transferred due to a change in an organisation's business structure (such as a merger or network acquisition) within this 24 month period IF this is supported by documents from a national authority.

I hope this clarifies.   Best regards, Ingrid Wijte RIPE NCC
On 19/10/2017 14:46, Aleksey Bulgakov wrote:
Hi, all.

As you can read here

Transfer of resources between LIR accounts of the same member will 

fall under the transfer policy.

 This aligns the transfer of resources 
between LIR accounts of the same
 member with the transfer procedures 
the RIPE NCC applies to transfers between LIR accounts of different 

The transfer policy will now apply to all transfers, 
regardless of
 whether the transfer is between the same or different 

In practice, this means that the IPv4 allocation will only be 

transferable between LIR accounts of the same member after 24 months.

But if you go to transfer policy, you can see the next

This restriction does not prevent the resources from being transferred due to further mergers or acquisitions within the 24-month period.

So, I see confusion between policies and executive board desision