Hi APWG folks, this proposal keep being difficult for our processes. We got a rebound from the WG chair collective, because they felt that there was no explicit consensus for version *2* of the proposal, which had some signficant changes (inclusion of ERX in the text). Now this is v3, trying to work out the last wrinkles, and get it through the process properly, and we got *NO* comments on it. "No comments" does not mean "consensus". It means "nobody is interested, leave us alone with this". I think that this is a very important milestone, and it needs good backing by the community (or if you don't want it, it should be explicitely torn down). The main difference v2 -> v3 is that ERX space has been completely taken out [because RIPE has no legal basis to enforce anything - we'll come back to this with a new proposal], and that there is a *new* document that describes what to do with existing end-user assignments - which has exactly the same intent as v2, but we can't put requirements for existing assignments into a "new assignments" documents, so this needed cleaning up. So - please read the documents, as referenced in Ana's mail below, and then explicitely voice agreement or disagreement with 2007-01 v3. thanks, Gert Doering, APWG Chair On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 04:22:44PM +0200, Ana Matic wrote:
PDP Number: 2007-01 Direct Internet Resource Assignments to End Users from the RIPE NCC
Dear Colleagues,
The new version of the proposal described in 2007-01 has now been published and is moved back to Review Period.
Also, the new draft document "Contractual Requirements for Provider Independent Resource Holders in the RIPE NCC Service Region" has been published. This document describes the contractual requirements necessary for End Users of provider independent resources and also speaks to the status of pre-existing assignments.
You can find the full proposal at:
and the draft documents at:
http://ripe.net/ripe/draft-documents/ripe-424-draft-2007-01-v3.html http://ripe.net/ripe/draft-documents/ripe-421-draft.html http://ripe.net/ripe/draft-documents/ripe-389-draft.html http://ripe.net/ripe/draft-documents/ripe-new-draft-2007-01-v3.html
We encourage you to review this revised policy proposal and the draft documents and send your comments to address-policy-wg@ripe.net before 24 July 2008.
Ana Matic RIPE NCC
Gert Doering -- NetMaster -- Total number of prefixes smaller than registry allocations: 110584 SpaceNet AG Vorstand: Sebastian v. Bomhard Joseph-Dollinger-Bogen 14 Aufsichtsratsvors.: A. Grundner-Culemann D-80807 Muenchen HRB: 136055 (AG Muenchen) Tel: +49 (89) 32356-444 USt-IdNr.: DE813185279