Dear all, With the review period coming to an end (again), I would like to place some remarks about the discussion on 2007-08. 2007-08, for everything that it's claimed to be, is a very simple policy proposal. It's a proposal that hardly even touches on addresses, it's actually a registration rather than an address proposal. And in that respect we all agree. We all want the database to remain a) accurate and b) usable. Allowing third party transactions to be reflected in the database achieves the first, setting limits to what and how often (minimal size, time between mutations) achieves the latter. The rest of the discussion is on positions, perceived implications and forward looking statements. We're never going to agree on a single picture for the future so let's not try to. The one thing that we all do know and feel is that the future's going to be different from the current reality. Based on this, I would like to ask the chairs to move the process forward for this proposal. And as for the ideas about giving the RIRs some sort of 'stick' to enforce usage of address space or worse, routing: consider for yourself for a while what implications there might be to an RIR actually being able to force something off the net. Comparable to the position a domain name registry had for 'wikileaks.org', just to name a recent example. I can see the queue of lawyers line up already... Best, Remco Any opinions expressed in the email are those of the individual and not necessarily of the company. This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and solely for the use of the intended recipient and do not constitute an offer or acceptance by Equinix, Inc., Equinix Europe Ltd or any of their group entities to buy or sell any products or services in any jurisdiction. If you have received this email in error please delete this email immediately and notify the IT manager. This communication is sent on behalf of one of the European entities in the Equinix, Inc. Group. The ultimate holding company in Europe is Equinix Europe Ltd whose registered address is Quadrant House, Floor 6, 17 Thomas More Street, Thomas More Square, London E1W 1YW and the Company's registered number is 6293383. The registration details of other Group entities are available at www.eu.equinix.com