On Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 12:47 PM, Jim Reid <jim@rfc1035.com> wrote:

To repeat what I said before, consensus has served us well so far. There's no reason to stop using that approach. If this later turns out to be a mistake, we can deal with that once it's clear what has gone wrong and what would be the best way to fix it. What's been proposed is "good enough" -- perhaps with a little tweaking to deal with the nits that have been found. IMO I hope this WG can avoid inventing a lot of (unnecessary) complexity and process. The case for going down that path has yet to be established

I agree completely.

I think it's an important enough step forward that we're having this change, and as I understand it anyway, it's entirely up to us as the WG to decide if we want to change this yet again, even if we want a pony.

(Nevermind that deciding that we want a pony won't necessarily _get_ us a pony.)