Hang on a second. This is now devolving into a proposal where you can get a separate AS and /32 for every customer your LIR serves and I will definitely not support that. I want a pony, too.


On 15-04-09 10:08, "Bartek Gajda" <gajda@man.poznan.pl> wrote:

Marco Hogewoning wrote:
> On 14 apr 2009, at 14:57, Ingrid Wijte wrote:
>> PDP Number: 2009-05
>> Multiple IPv6 /32 Allocations for LIRs
>> Dear Colleagues
>> A new RIPE Policy Proposal has been made and is now available for
>> discussion.
> Summary of Proposal:
> This is a proposal to allow an LIR operating separate networks in
> unconnected geographical areas to receive multiple /32 IPv6 allocations.

This policy is a must-have policy for hundreds of thousand users in my
county and more than 20 LIRs. However there is a strong limitation for
me in this policy, because we are using at least two different policies
but within ONE single geographical areas. The differences in routing
policies are not because of different geographical areas but because of
different kind of customers we are serving.
Currently we have to divide single /32 into multiple pieces and announce
them under different ASs we have, which weak but the only possible
solution. We do not have any chance to get a second /32 from RIPE so far.

It would be really helpful to reflect this real life situation in single
policy like this one. So after removing the part about "different
unconnected geographical areas" this policy will get strong support from
LIRs I'm writing about.

Best regards,
Bartek Gajda

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