On 2019 Feb 05 (Tue) at 08:53:21 +0100 (+0100), garry@nethinks.com wrote: :That is an option. But in order to not punish late entries to the :market, it should also include a fixed timeframe when EVERYBODY has to :stop using v4 (at least on the public Internet) ... I don't see any :technical reason why providers all over the world still aren't able (or :willing) to do v6 ... of course I know you can't force customers to :provide services on v6 (or even to use v6 - I believe of our customers, :maybe 1% actively use v6, and another few percent use it unknowingly :) ). :From our point of view, we could drop external v4 pretty quickly if it :weren't required to reach (or be reached) by v4-only users/services ... Then come back when you have a solution to force GitHub, Twitter, Amazon, and a lot more, to launch an IPv6 version of their website. -- Command, n.: Statement presented by a human and accepted by a computer in such a manner as to make the human feel as if he is in control.