As we all know, there are lot of big LIRs with plenty of unused (or wasted) space, and now they are making serious business selling their classes. With a current price of about 10€/IP, it's easy to understand how big are interests behind this: some LIRs could make M€ just by selling something they obtained for free some years ago. It's clear that we can't "generate" more IPv4, but IMHO this is totally against a fair market. A new LIR with just a /22 shouldn't be charged like one with tons of /12: if having lot of IPv4 would be anti-economical for big LIRs, this would be a real incentivation for IPv6 deployment and return of IPv4. I'm not a lawyer, but probabily this problem should be reviewd by European Commission for Competition.

Saverio Giuntini
Servereasy di Giuntini Saverio
Amministrazione e system manager