Dear colleagues,

Thank you for the feedback and questions.

We do want to emphasise that the goal of the suggested project is not to reclaim AS Numbers that are in use, but to clean up out-of-date registrations. At the moment, there is not really an incentive to return unused AS Numbers, because the registration of ASNs is free of charge. We see quite often that (sponsoring) LIRs forget AS Numbers if they are requesting changes.

Our current proposal is a one-time project and we will archive the responses so that we only send one email. Some people suggested that we should perform these checks on a regular basis and this is possible if the community wants us to do so. During Assisted Registry Checks (ARCs), or if an ASN is changing sponsor, we already ask to some extent if the resources are still needed.

The reason for contacting the sponsor and not the admin-c or tech-c is that the sponsoring LIR has the responsibility to liaise with the End User (and can do this in the language of the resource holder). From experience, we know that a lot of End Users are not aware that AS Numbers are distributed by the RIPE NCC, they are only aware of the contractual relationship that they have with their sponsor. During the deregistration process, we try to the contact the resource holder directly in different ways. This usually starts by contacting the admin-c and tech-c.

Please let us know if there are any further questions before Thursday 6 April 2017.


Laurens Hoogendoorn
Registration Services

On 23/03/2017 13:18, Laurens Hoogendoorn wrote:

Dear colleagues,

As previously mentioned at RIPE 73, we are planning a project to clean
up unused AS Numbers. You can find this presentation here:

According to ripe-679, "Autonomous System (AS) Number Assignment
Policies" if an organisation no longer uses as AS Number, it should be
returned to the free pool so it can be reassigned:

There are currently around 6,600 ASNs in our service region (held or
sponsored by 2,682 LIRs) that are not being advertised in the routing
system. This represents around 22% of the ~30,000 ASNs assigned by the

There are a number of legitimate reasons why an ASN might not be
advertised in the routing system. However, it is also possible that
the holder doesn't exist anymore or the ASN is no longer needed. Not
only should unused ASNs be returned, but it's important to clean up
out of date registrations, which affect the quality of data in the
RIPE Registry.

Our Proposal

We plan to email the LIR or sponsoring LIR for each unannounced ASN
and ask if the resource is still needed. We will group together ASNs
that are sponsored or held by the same LIR to minimise the number of

We will ask if the ASN is currently being used or if there are plans
to start using the ASN in the coming three months. Organisations can
always request a new ASN in the future if they need one.

If we do not receive a reply or if the ASN will not be used within
three months, we will start the process of returning the ASN to the
free pool. The deregistration process will take three months, during
which time the LIR can still indicate that the ASN is needed. If the
ASN is still needed, the validity of the assignment (such as the
multihoming requirement) will not be re-evaluated.

We do not expect any significant cost or impact on other services, as
most of this process will be automated and we will not need to
re-evaluate the assignments. Contacting all relevant LIRs will take
less than six months.

Please review this proposal and send any comments or other feedback
before Thursday 6 April to <>.


Laurens Hoogendoorn
Registration Services