On Tue, 19 Mar 2013, Gert Doering wrote:
OTOH, judging from the successful deployment of a good number of 32bit ASNs in RIPE land, I think we can state that using up the remaining 16bit ASNs now (at least those in the NCC pool) will not "needlessly burn up a valuable resource" - and I assume that IANA will replenish RIPE NCC's pool with a useful mixture of 32bit-only and 16bit chunks...
I would support any proposal for policy change to hand out 32 bit ASNs in larger chunks going forward, like 16384 at a time or even higher numbers. It would mean less work for people maintaining programs such as "whois - client for the whois directory service" because any range would last longer. I believe 32bit-ASNs should be handed out in 3-5 year forecasted growth. Doing small chunks just seems like needless overhead. -- Mikael Abrahamsson email: swmike@swm.pp.se