Apologies for the late reply, I'm just catching up with my mailing lists.. On 27 Jan 2022, at 16:44, JORDI PALET MARTINEZ via address-policy-wg wrote:
I'm not convinced that we should "today", provide IPv4 temporary assignments, neither for conferences or experiments.
A conference can perfectly survive today with a single IPv4 public address (or very few of them) from the ISP providing the link (even if running BGP), using 464XLAT, so the participants get dual-stack in the same way they are used to (private IPv4 addresses) and they also have global IPv6 addresses. This can be made with pure open source in a VM (if the provider doesn't have a NAT64, it can be also in the VM, in addition to the CLAT support, both using Jool, or other choices), etc. It is very well proven.
A conference is not a very well defined term. I agree with your assessment for conferences like RIPE meetings, NOGs and so on. However, also events like Chaos Communication Congresses (https://events.ccc.de/congress/2019/wiki/index.php/Main_Page as an example) have the word conference in it. And those are events with >15,000 users, stretching over almost a week, where each participant is bringing multiple devices. Here you won't simply use one or even a handful of public IPv4 addresses for translation, but rather want a public IPv4 address per device. In short: I still see a need, also for shorter temporary assignments for conferences like this. Marcus