Am 21.10.2015 um 12:40 schrieb Ciprian Nica:
Iran is a good example, as a country can be considered a relatively new entrant. What has happened over there ? 0.05% IPv6 adoption rate according to google stats and Iran is the #1 importing country of IPv4 resources.
Imo the transfer market was a really bad idea. I assume there are many ISPs with lots of unused space just waiting for the prices getting even higher. Why return a free lunch? Transfer/ selling of ipv4 space should simply be forbidden. In addition big ipv4 space holders should be forced to return ex. 10% of their ipv4 per year. This way the BIG providers (new and existing) would be forced to act and implement ipv6. And these are the only one able to really drive ipv6 adoption. Corin