And, I happened to be a technologist who know how to build a fast (Pbps or more) router even before no one have the needs.
So, the only problem on fast routers is their prices.
Limiting the number of global routing table entries helps a lot.
Dear Masataka, It may help to optimize only ONE and not very IMPORTANT part of the router. You knew how to build fast (in mean of PPS OR MORE) routers, but didn't say about importance of the routing table. Please, give me an example of multigigabit routers without support of large routing table (or even switches, which don't have any routing table at all) which is cheaper than Cisco 2511 or so? The price of the multigigabit-per-second routers is high itself and not because of need to support routing tables. Please DO NOT turn fact.
So, you can still insist that my theory is incorrect and ATM is 8192 or more times faster than IP, while I can keep saying ATM is about 10 times slower than IP with reasons.
It seems that you have only your old theories in mind. Your previous heroic prophecies maid be right but it doesn't prove that your current prophecy is right, just because it IS prophecy without ANY facts in mind. Vladislav Potapov