Dear Daniel, dear all,

First of all I support this proposal, and thank you for taking the time to create it. I think the idea has great merit, but I’m also reminded of an idea I sent out to the address policy mailing list and the feedback I got based on that. For that thread, see: . Just to refresh your memory, I proposed a policy that would only allocate a single block of space, regardless of the size of the request and available remaining inventory. One of the main shortcomings of my idea was that assignments from a new allocation don’t happen in a ‘gradual’ way, which is one of the main assumptions behind any scheme based on time-windows. Larger organizations will just come back quicker – not necessarily after the set window. I’m afraid this proposal has the same ‘weakness’.

Kind regards,


On 06-04-09 14:10, "Daniel Karrenberg" <> wrote:

Dear colleagues,

attached you will find a policy proposal we call "Run Out Fairly".
It is based on a discussion instigated by your's truly during the
open policy hour at the latest RIPE meeting.

This is a proposal to gradually reduce the allocation and assignment
periods in step with the expected life time of the IPv4 unallocated pool
in order to address the perception of unfairness once the pool has run

The proposal is not intended to stretch the lifetime of the unallocated

The proposal is independent of other proposals to reserve address space
for transition purposes and/or new entrants.  It can be implemented
independently of these.

We thank Filiz Yilmaz for her help, invite discussion of this proposal
and look forward to high quality comments.

For the authors

Daniel Karrenberg

PS: Can we refer to this proposal by name and not by number? ;-)

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