Right. But the summary of the proposal identifies the *actual* problem here:
«In order to qualify [for IPv6 PA], they need to request an IPv6 allocation and subsequently return their existing PI assignment (per ripe-589 section 7.1)»
Yep, seen that.
Why should an LIR have to return his PI space if they have valid reasons for its use and are already using it ? I agree with Tore that to encourage a LIR to return a v6 PI assignments if they can, but if it is in use and active, I would feel strongly against a requirement to return the space and get a PA block. Having a v6 allocation doesn't guarantee the usage of v6 ... and if someone went through the trouble in the past to actually get a v6 PI assignment and later decides to become a LIR, they get a penalty and are required to return the space !! Besides that and the issue that a v6 PI assignment doesn't 'qualify' for the final /8 v4 allocation list, are in my opinion the 2 items that should be fixed. As a suggestion to the authors for the policy text: Skip the distinction between v6 PA or PI in the policy text and rephrase it to : b. New policy text 5.1 Allocations made by the RIPE NCC to LIRs [...] Allocations will only be made to LIRs if they have already received v6 resources from an upstream LIR or the RIPE NCC. And include a change to ripe-589 section 7.1 ( http://www.ripe.net/ripe/docs/ripe-589#IPv6_PI_Assignments ) Original text: 7.1 IPv6 Provider Independent (PI) Assignments for LIRs LIRs can qualify for an IPv6 PI assignment for parts of their own infrastructure that are not used for customer end sites. Where an LIR has an IPv6 allocation, the LIR must demonstrate the unique routing requirements for the PI assignment. The LIR must return the IPv6 PI assignment within a period of six months if the original criteria on which the assignment was based are no longer valid. If an organisation already received a PI assignment before becoming an LIR, the PI assignment should be returned upon receiving an IPv6 allocation if there are no specific routing requirements to justify both. Updated text: 7.1 IPv6 Provider Independent (PI) Assignments for LIRs LIRs can qualify for an IPv6 PI assignment for parts of their own infrastructure that are not used for customer end sites. Where an LIR has an IPv6 allocation, the LIR must demonstrate the unique routing requirements for the PI assignment. The LIR must return the IPv6 PI assignment within a period of six months if the original criteria on which the assignment was based are no longer valid. If an organisation already received a PI assignment before becoming an LIR, the PI assignment should be returned upon receiving an IPv6 allocation, if the original criteria on which the assignment was based are no longer valid. Regards, Erik Bais