Hi folks

We wanted to bring to your attention a matter of concern regarding recent emails from the RIPE member, cn.jiunetwork. They are offering assistance in obtaining temporary IP address assignments from RIPE for one to five years, which seems to conflict with RIPE-801's guidelines.

I suggest reviewing past temporary address requests made by them to ensure compliance with RIPE policies and legitimate usage.

Original Message from cn.jiunetwork:
Now we have new IP address for delivery, it is clean .
Subnet size from /24 to /20
,did you need more ipv4 ? note: we no provide lease service , but if you need , we can help you from RIPE get Temporary Address(/24-/18,TEMPORARY /24 is $1300 years/time, you can purchase 1-5 years )
If you are interested in ordering more, please contact us. my mail is REDACTED

Siyuan Miao

AS917 | Misaka Network, Inc.
8 The Green, Ste 6288
Dover, DE 19901