i just looked at arin's front page, saw the link in big blue on the right hand side, and found the link prominently noted on the linked page.
Indeed. In fact, I had downloaded this document a full two minutes before sending my previous email, looked at section 9, decided that it was pretty unobjectionable, and therefore thought that this probably wasn't what you were talking about. Clearly, we find different things objectionable.
randy, why use the web when you have me?
Because we love and trust you more than the web? And also something about semantic analysis of what you mean by "arin contract". There are more than one of these. Seriously, though, you have objections to 2007-01, a subset of which are scattered here and there in the 8 or so emails that you've sent to apwg in the last couple of days. So, for the benefit of everyone, can I repeat my request of earlier this morning: - could you outline all the things that you feel are objectionable in 2007-01? - could you express an opinion of how these should be changed for the better? Nick