Hello Jordi, Max and Sergey, as I fully understand the first reflex to do anything to help Ukraine, or stop the war, I strongly believe that Internet in general helps the russian people to get an unfiltered access to the truth. Cutting these lines does not stop violence. It may justify even more stupid actions against innocent people. Let's help to get the truth to all the people and support the right decisions. Internet is the fasted and most efficient way to show what happens and who is responsible for it. Let's all work together that this stay this way. regards, Kurt Am 25.02.22 um 17:33 schrieb JORDI PALET MARTINEZ via address-policy-wg:
While I will applaud something like that, I don't think we can do it as RIPE community, unless there is any specific legal section in the RSA against countries taking over other countries and then the NCC can make it happen ...
I think such kind of actions, including ordering all the transit providers to shut down links with Russia, can only be taken by the EU, or individual countries at government levels, as part of the sanctions that are being organized. Probably will be the only way to isolate Russia from the rest of the world and avoiding them using also Internet for cyber-criminal actions. They could still try to escape from that using other transit providers, but they will need to hide the ASNs, etc. not so easy from any of the sides that you look at it. May be filtering specific IP ranges, ordered as part of the sanctions against Russia by all the ISPs in each country supporting that ...
Regards, Jordi @jordipalet
El 25/2/22 17:24, "address-policy-wg en nombre de Max Tulyev"<address-policy-wg-bounces@ripe.net en nombre de president@ukraine.su> escribió:
Hello All,
let's think about sanctions against Russia. What do you think about revoking all IPs/ASNs used by Russian goverment?
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