at current stage IPv6 is not an option due to grid middleware limitations.
Have you investigated how much work would be needed to make the grid work over IPv6, or perhaps use an IPv6 VPN to connect sites but use IPv4 over the VPN to use the grid? Greece is a pioneer in making IPv6 services available to schools <http://www.terena.nl/events/tnc2006/core/getfile.php?file_id=1073> Do you want to take a step backwards? Have you asked Athanassios Liakopoulos or Kostas Kalevras or Dimitrios Kalogeras to look at ways of solving your problem with the grid and IPv6? The bottom line is that experimental allocations are made for experiments that benefit the whole Internet, not just a few schools in one country. I don't think you would be successful in getting an allocation from RIPE under the experimental rules. --Michael Dillon