This whole vanity address idea is complete nonsense and shouldn't be entertained for a second.
In particular, it does not protect you from typographical errors. People can stil type in and and other variations. A far better way to protect against typos is to copy and paste the address. This could be done with any address at all displayed on a web page. If you really want a simple install experience you would do this with a downloadable application.
As far as I can gather there was cold hard cash exchanging hands for and - fine for some people and in the ARIN region it's a lot more liberal in that sense,
To be clear, nobody paid ARIN for those addresses. They were already allocated to an ISP who agreed to let the DNS provider use them. Ideco's goals could be met by simply using Google's DNS service, unless they have some other goal that they haven't told us yet. --Michael Dillon