On Sat, Aug 16, 2014 at 05:36:46PM +0200, Erik Bais wrote:
Policy can't set a price or affect the cost to a resource, as that is decided by the membership in the AGM.
Yes I know, hence my presenting of these two paths forward.
I would rather have the NCC monitor the situation and report on it during the NCC services update on the RIPE meetings as they are also doing on the PI IPv6 without multihoming. If the situation would show abusive behaviour from people, the need is there to associate a cost per AS object and you would get it much easier through the AGM ...
I would not recommend writing a policy that would only be implemented after a cost decision. And by writing that the Currently policy must stay as is, also doesn't leave an option to make other adjustments..
May I suggest the policy change that was discussed to be able to transfer an ASn.
Do you have an URL? What about the option 2, to limit the amount of AS assignments per LIR to 1000? As far as I understand option would fall within APWG's mandate and address the raised concerns. Kind regards, Job