Hi, El 08/07/2014 9:10, Opteamax RIPE-Team escribió:
Hi all,
I fully support this actually I'd even go a step further and forbid trading of IP completely. Instead address space not needed shall be returned to the RIR, and address space not announced for more than a year also should be withdrawn by RIPE automatically.
Dude...dont wake up the devil! (jk) Im with you about returning no needed space. Since you didnt bougth the space to the RIR, you shouldnt be allowed to sell it when you dont need it anymore. Also, not announcing an allocation on a period of time can be understood as you dont need it then go to 1 Regards, -- Daniel Baeza Centro de Observación de Red Dpto. Red y Sistemas Television Costa Blanca S.L. Telf. 966.190.847 | Fax. 965.074.390 http://www.tvt.es | http://www.tvt-datos.es Correo: d.baeza@tvt-datos.es -- [Atención] La información contenida en este e-mail es confidencial, privilegiada y está dirigida exclusivamente a su destinatario. Cualquier revisión, difusión, distribución o copiado de este mensaje sin autorización del propietario está prohibido. Si ha recibido este e-mail por error por favor bórrelo y envíe un mensaje al remitente. [Disclaimer] The information contained in this e-mail is privileged and confidential and is intended only for its addressee. Any review, dissemination, distribution or copying of this e-mail is prohibited. If you have received it in error please delete the original message and e-mail us. (!) El medio ambiente es responsabilidad de todos. Imprime este mail si es absolutamente necesario.