I'm nearly sorry for this late tackle, but I'll just use my honeymoon as a valid excuse. ;)

On Thu, Jul 3, 2014 at 9:02 AM, Randy Bush <randy@psg.com> wrote:
can we have a wiki, https://whack-a-mole.ripe.net/...  so we do not have
to repeat these discussions?  we could just point to the last time we
went through this.

That's how I felt when the subject came up earlier this year, and I haven't been here long.

However, new list members should be able to address their questions and worries in some way.

Regretfully, I don't see an easy way to point to the mailing list archives for the discussion either, because there have been several (many, as far as I can tell) discussions, but perhaps the list of archived proposals would give Daniel a certain overview of what's been going on in the past years, as well as access to the assessments of each policy proposal. It's a huge task to go through these, to be sure, but I think it's necessary when Daniel wants to change the policy that he's at least familiar with the past 4-5 years' worth of policy proposals did and didn't evolve into the current policy.

Archived proposals:


Current proposals:


A few examples that may be relevant to Daniel's concern:

There is, of course, "Allocations from the last /8" from 2010 (before my time):


The "run out fairly" policy:


There is the policy proposal about PI assignments from the last /8, which was withdrawn:


(Discussions: https://www.google.no/search?q=address-policy-wg+archives+PI+Assignments+from+the+last+%2F8)

There is the proposal about removing the requirement for a minimum allocation size:


Also the post-depletion adjustment to the policy, which also saw some relevant discussion, particularly concerning "need", which I think bears some relevance to Daniel's arguments about how to tell whether someone should get an additional /24:


There are other proposals which may be relevant, the above are just examples.

I would wish that each proposal had links to archived discussion threads, but that's just wishful thinking now – Google is our friend in finding these old discussions, based on e.g. the policy text title and key phrases in the policy change text.