Remco, On Thu, Aug 07, 2008 at 11:03:56PM +0200, Remco van Mook wrote:
So, a LIR that comes back immediately is clearly up to something fishy or might not be completely truthful in filling out their templates .
Good point!
I'm not convinced we can't work out a way to give this a proper write-up, but currently I just want to see whether the general idea has merit according to the community. So, does it ?
I think it is relatively simple and has merit; the potential benefit is not very large, but it is almost free. The main problem is people who only see the pain it will cause them when addresses run out. But, if you need a /16 and there is only a /17, and two /18 blocks left, then you are going to be screwed in a few months when you come back and there are only a handful of /24s lying around anyway. Time to get that IPv6 plan rolled out? (More likely time to set up a monster NAT box and give your users RFC 1918 addresses.) :( -- Shane