Hay, Am 29.03.2010 12:58, schrieb Gert Doering:
On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 04:41:35PM +0600, Sergey Gotsulyak wrote:
Is it possible to modify current Address Policy?
Yes. RIPE has a well-defined policy development process, which can be used for that - it's documented here:
Now, there's of course a catch - the PDP takes a while to run through (a couple of months at best, some times much longer), and you need *consensus* for a proposed policy change to become policy - so you need to convince the RIPE community that it's of common interest to change this.
Since we're running out of addresses quickly, even if you succeed in changing the policy, the subnet containing might already be handed out to someone else. So I wouldn't bet the success of my company on the chance of receiving - you might succeed, but you might as well not.
or to put it simpler: If we would have such a policy, all nice vanity addresses would have been "sold out" (mind the quotes) by now already anways. And you might not have the budget to "buy" a nice address either because it would cost a fortune like sex.com or so :-) But, fortunately, IP addresses are not Domain Names.... -- ====================================================================== = Sascha Lenz SLZ-RIPE slz@baycix.de = = Network Design & Operations = = BayCIX GmbH, Landshut * PGP public Key on demand * = ======================================================================