+1 to this policy

On Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 6:09 PM, Carsten Schiefner <ripe-wgs.cs@schiefner.de> wrote:

from my PoV we could start to debate you argument:

On 15.04.2016 11:02, Adrian Pitulac wrote:
> [...]
> The discussion regarding the last /8 policy benefit can be long, but
> from statistics and from my point of view, ARIN depletion of pools,
> resulted directly in IPV6 growth. Everyone talks about why RIPE IPv6
> hasn't exploded. I think the reason is IPv4 pools still available. If
> market will be constrained by lack of IPv4 pools then IPv6 will explode.

if there aren't *ANY* 2nd market IPv4 brokers operating in the ARIN
region *AT ALL*.

Which AFAIK is not the case.

So fulfilling IPv4 address space needs in the North American region
should be, give or take, as cheap or expensive, as easy or complicated
as anywhere else.

So this effect might only be very loosely coupled at best.

How about assuming that the US, North America in general, is simply
again leading the pack in eventually deploying a not-so-new-any-longer
technology? They have done this already in the past, so I have heart. ;-)

