Hi Richard, In all honesty I don't know what you mean with 'the complete picture' because the complete picture can only be drawn up in hindsight. Making good decisions after the fact is easy but beside the point. I'm voicing an idea about how to proceed when we can't allocate large IP ranges anymore the way we do today. A practical idea for us to provide guidance rather than have the NCC figure that one out for themselves. What that has to do with criminal types, unscrupulous providers and bright-faced 'backbone providers' is beyond me. A semblance of order is having a functional registry for ALL IPv4 address space - not just the stuff that has been originally allocated by the RIRs or predecessors. And this is something these 'backbone providers' vehemently oppose. Yes, this is another 2007-08 reference. Best, Remco -----Original Message----- From: address-policy-wg-admin@ripe.net [mailto:address-policy-wg-admin@ripe.net] On Behalf Of Richard Cox Sent: donderdag 7 augustus 2008 16:47 To: Gert Doering Cc: address-policy-wg@ripe.net Subject: Re: [address-policy-wg] new policy idea for PA allocations On Thu, 7 Aug 2008 08:34 UTC Gert Doering <gert@space.net> wrote:
I'm not sure whether this is something the APWG can/should decide - it's borderland between "policy" and "procedure". We do policy, the NCC does procedure... "Feedback, please!" :)
My feedback is that we're still missing the complete picture. If we make it "difficult" for users to be allocated large IP ranges then at least some of those users will simply announce ranges which they believe are not being used, without the luxury of allocation. Right now that's already being done by or for some criminal-types, and I'd guess this behaviour will soon spread to less-scrupulous entities, leaving the reputable organisations out in the cold. We need some agreements in place - at least with backbone providers - if we are to retain any semblance of order in the IPv4 numberspace. -- Richard (who is now back after a rather longer period of convalescence than I would have wished to have been required!) Any opinions expressed in the email are those of the individual and not necessarily of the company. This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and solely for the use of the intended recipient and do not constitute an offer or acceptance by Equinix, Inc., Equinix Europe Ltd or any of their group entities to buy or sell any products or services in any jurisdiction. If you have received this email in error please delete this email immediately and notify the IT manager. This communication is sent on behalf of one of the European entities in the Equinix, Inc. Group. The ultimate holding company in Europe is Equinix Europe Ltd whose registered address is Quadrant House, Floor 6, 17 Thomas More Street, Thomas More Square, London E1W 1YW and the Company's registered number is 6293383. The registration details of other Group entities are available at www.eu.equinix.com