Dear Colleagues,

At the IETF 78 Meeting in Maastricht in July 2010, the Operations and Management Area Working Group (OPSAWG) presented “IANA Reserved IPv4 Prefix for IPv6 Transition”. This presentation introduced the Internet draft document that specifies the use of a reserved IANA /8 address block from its remaining pool of unallocated IPv4 addresses.

 The reserved address space would be used as “Shared Transition Space”, intended as:

"[...] IPv4 address space reserved for Service Provider or large enterprise use with the purpose of facilitating IPv6 transition and IPv4 coexistence deployment. This space SHOULD only be used for the purpose of providing NAT'ed IPv4 access to subscriber networks or IPv6-in-IPv4 tunnels during the transition to full IPv6 deployment. These addresses MAY be used without any coordination with IANA or any other Internet registry. "

The Internet draft document is available at:

Discussion on this draft document is ongoing at:



Kind Regards,
Emilio Madaio
Policy Development Officer