On Fri, Sep 27, 2013 at 1:45 AM, Richard Hartmann <richih.mailinglist@gmail.com> wrote:
On Fri, Sep 27, 2013 at 12:24 AM, Elvis Daniel Velea <elvis@v4escrow.net> wrote:

> These were restrictions that existed in the previous version and things
> seemed to work well with these restrictions/sizes. I hear you and if others
> think the same, we could change the limits.

If /32 becomes the new default/minimum, keeping those limits seems to
be counter-intuitive.

I concur.

And I think it's worth keeping in mind that even a /48 is a ludicrously enormously large address space.

With a corporate hat on, I think it highly unlikely that anyone
manager or sales person will be content with less than the absolute
maximum they can get even if they don't need it. So save for a few
corporations and maybe temporary allocations, I suspect everyone will
go for a /32.

So do I, especially considering the turn of phrase, which is nearly guaranteed to instill a fear of running out somehow.

Nobody should run out with a /48.

I think it's somewhat sensible that a LIR should have access to a /32. :)