Toma, You are making fun of yourself, you are clearly part of "The Spamhaus Project" and taking part in that illegal "cyber influence operation" Two days after I revealed to the Ripe Management & Ripe Board, that the real identity of "Rob Shultz" from "The Spamhaus Project" is Rob McEwen from https://www.invaluement.com/ , 3 things happened: Hank defamed me in this working group, you defamed me in Nanog and I also received an inquiry from the spamhaus-inhouse-media-reporter that used the criminal and "The Spamhaus Project" member https://twitter.com/underthebreach as his source to defame me. This is after months of Spamhaus being quiet, I only reached to Ripe Board & Ripe Management to remove the initial illegal defamation post of Coconut Guilmette because his post is full of lies, and you know it as a member of "The Spamhaus Project", you know of everything that is being done here, and that is all is of a very intelligent "cyber influence operation". It is also very very sad to see you taking part of that illegal anonymous organization (just to get for yourself connections/title/career) when that illegal anonymous organization is against your own country as a whole, as written by that organization in their presentation: https://www.scribd.com/document/445894312/Spamhaus-Illegal-Private-Data-Viol... You are an agent of that illegal anonymous organization "The Spamhaus Project" which is seeing your country as an enemy. Respectfully, Elad ________________________________ From: Töma Gavrichenkov <ximaera@gmail.com> Sent: Saturday, April 18, 2020 1:49 PM To: Elad Cohen <elad@netstyle.io> Cc: Gert Doering <gert@space.net>; address-policy-wg@ripe.net <address-policy-wg@ripe.net> Subject: Re: [address-policy-wg] My response to Ronald Guilmette Peace, On Sat, Apr 18, 2020 at 1:44 PM Elad Cohen <elad@netstyle.io> wrote:
All the subscribers should see how members of the illegal anonymous organization "The Spamhaus Project" - such as Toma - is trying to shut down the discussion in an unbalanced way.
I have nothing and have never had anything in common with this organization. 30 seconds of googling would've clearly shown you where I work. The issue is just that your topic is annoying and hardly interesting to anyone else except for you. -- Töma