The real fun starts when RIPE recovers address space, reassigns it, and the depossessed party starts to sue the new owner.
(Please substitute mentally the correct concept for "owning".)
We are heading towards address resource scarcity. Fights have a habit of breaking out when people jostle for scarce resources. Are you saying that revocation shouldn't happen? It means that all assignments are given in perpetuity, unless the holder explicitly hands the address space back. If the address space isn't used, or if the holder disappears, then the address space is lost forever. It's a memory leak which needs to be fixed. Nick -- Network Ability Ltd. | Head of Operations | Tel: +353 1 6169698 3 Westland Square | INEX - Internet Neutral | Fax: +353 1 6041981 Dublin 2, Ireland | Exchange Association | Email: nick@inex.ie