So, a few accidents with rarely any noticeable impact (At least I don't notice any major connectivity issues every day)
That you haven't noticed any impact doesn't mean it does not happen. That is a rather selfish attitude... Think of what will happen when someone else starts announcing *your* prefix.
Yet, also daily, I read about an attempt by $someone to censor, cut off or otherwise regulate somebody else's internet access.
Well, I can't deny this. Governments regulate. That is their job... If you don't agree with what they choose to do I think voting for a different party is a good way to start.
You have to excuse me for not quite believing that this attempt to impose a centralised structure upon internet routing has anything to do with preventing someone from fat-fingering a prefix advertisement...
Fat-fingering, intentionally mis-announcing (hijacking address space, announcing address space of a customer after they left, ...), etc. But let's stick to facts instead of belief... :-) Sander