Shane wrote:
What I would suggest is that we set into policy that the RIR, in cases like this, allocates a single best-fit routable block of IPv4 space.
Makes sense.
Could someone submit another request immediately afterwards though, since current policies are based on need?
That's why I referred to the 80% rule in my mail - if you again qualify for another allocation you can come back for one. If that's immediate, it's immediate. I do think that you raise a valid point here - should allocations in that phase still be based on need or does 'share the pain' come into play? Best, Remco Any opinions expressed in the email are those of the individual and not necessarily of the company. This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and solely for the use of the intended recipient and do not constitute an offer or acceptance by Equinix, Inc., Equinix Europe Ltd or any of their group entities to buy or sell any products or services in any jurisdiction. If you have received this email in error please delete this email immediately and notify the IT manager. This communication is sent on behalf of one of the European entities in the Equinix, Inc. Group. The ultimate holding company in Europe is Equinix Europe Ltd whose registered address is Quadrant House, Floor 6, 17 Thomas More Street, Thomas More Square, London E1W 1YW and the Company's registered number is 6293383. The registration details of other Group entities are available at www.eu.equinix.com