On 5 Jun 2019, at 11:41, Nick Hilliard <nick@foobar.org> wrote:

Because they will have handed back their address space.  The address assignment policies are explicitly designed to have a garbage collection mechanism under 2007-01.  If you don't actively maintain your registration, it reverts to the registry.


Sure, but consider this simplified scenario:

1. In June 2019, IXP A requests an allocation. They get a /24.
2. In June 2020, the reserved pool is exhausted.
3. In July 2020, IXP B requests allocation but can't get one due to 2.
4. Sometime in 2021 (or even later), IXP A hands over their allocation.

What would IXP B do in the mean time between July 2020 and 2021 (or even later) when IXP A handed back their allocation?

Of course another IXP could have handed back their address space, but this doesn't change the point made:

Defaulting to a smaller allocation increases the chance (if ever so slightly) that the pool will be exhausted at a 
later point and thus IXP B will get an allocation in July 2020.

On a smaller note, I could also tentatively argue that being able to hand over new allocations is more important to ecosystem 
diversity than being able to honor requests for increasing existing ones.

Kind regards,