On Jul 14, 2009, at 1:42 PM, Stream Service || Mark Scholten wrote:
Are there people here that say that a small change of the current policy is a problem? The change would be that the list I did mention earlier is a valid reason to get a IPv6 PI range.
If no one is saying that it is a problem at this moment to create a formal proposal to change it (or a new proposal based on the current one) I would like to create it the coming week. The target of the change will be to make it a little bit easier to get IPv6 PI for organizations, so more organizations could start offering their services on IPv6 (PA isn't enough for many organizations if they are not the LIR).
With kind regards,
Mark Scholten
What change are you thinking of ? If it goes in the direction to allow sub-assingment (in any way shape or form) from within a PI block I wouldn't support it. And to answer your question, I guess that there will always be some objection to change...it's in people's nature. MarcoH