On 4 Nov 2021, at 7:33 pm, Michele Neylon - Blacknight via address-policy-wg <address-policy-wg@ripe.net> wrote:
The stats on adoption are far more interesting when you look at them by country: https://www.google.com/intl/en/ipv6/statistics.html#tab=per-country-ipv6-ado...
That 34% is concentrated in a quite small number of countries
You might want to play around with some other IPv6 measurements. Perhaps https://stats.labs.apnic.net/ipv6 might be useful. However, the maps only show part of the picture, as the user population within each economy is equally, or even more, significant. If you look at https://resources.potaroo.net/iso3166/v6dcc.html then it's clear that India’s 460M IPv6 users are a major part of the total global IPv6 user population of 1.2B users. Its also the case that while an uptake rate of 19% in China looks a lot less than the 52% uptake in Germany or 48% in the US, the user population in China, some 838M users, means that China has some 160M IPv6 users, more than any other economy bar India. If you are really interested there is a bewildering amount of additional detail, including GDP, allocations, allocations per capita, etc at https://resources.potaroo.net/iso3166/v6.html regards, Geoff