Hi Mathias,
I will be quite frank about this and say that it feel very disheartening to essentially miss the 0 day queue allocations by 5 days. end up in a one month long quque that just grows with no more allocations and on top of that it is VERY obvious that these organisations uses the members list as a "To be customers" base because about 4 hours after we became members we got mails and phonecalls from about 5 different companies stating they want to sell us IP adresses.
It just feels like this is not what RIPE was intended for but obviously is being used for.
I apologize if i am sounding too salty or if my mail is not according to well established RIPE etiquette, and dont get me wrong. we are VERY happy about being a new member with a single LIR and getting our own IPv6 and insight into the future of the internet, just felt that i should give the point of view of exactly one of those "Small new one lir members" that many here reffer to and exactly how our experience with this issue has been..
Don't worry, you talk about your frustration quite politely :) And it is totally justified. This is why I think something needs to be done now. Yes, it's rearranging deckchairs on the Titanic, but some people are still trying to survive. As a new member, what do you think about these ideas? Would it be good to make addresses untransferable? Or keep them transferable but ask the NCC to impose a one-time merger&acquisition fee? Or any other way? What would be ok for your real internet business but not for address sellers? Cheers, Sander