Hi, The Address Policy WG cannot set policies that govern the charging scheme. That is something controlled by the RIPE NCC's membership. If you represent a RIPE NCC member, you're welcome to make proposals related to the charging scheme on the Membership Discuss mailing list: https://www.ripe.net/participate/member-support/membership-mailing-lists/sub... Kind regards, Leo Vegoda, for the Address Policy WG co-chairs On Wed, Dec 8, 2021 at 1:24 AM Diederik de Zee <hallo@ikbendiederik.nl> wrote:
Dear members,
I agree with the post of R. Bakker @ Dec 8 00:49:28 CET 2021 under this mailing list.
New members should not be pushed as hard as, say, a large company with multiple huge ranges with a lot of unused IPv4 space. Incentives should be placed on the use of much IPv4, the perfect way to regulate this is to ask a monthly or yearly fee per allocated IPv4 address.
as a example, average large DC or hosting company seems to currently hold 20 to 50% of its IPv4 space unused and keeps reserving ipv4. You will retrieve a lot of ranges if all out of a sudden it costs them thousands of euro’s each period, because that is a huge write off for them and something they can generally not afford.
That change would cause a lot of IPv4 to be free’d up, and make more room for startups and other business that actually have good reasoning for using that ipv4 space.
Kind regards, Diederik de Zee --
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