On Wed, Jul 2, 2014 at 5:01 PM, Dpto. Datos Television Costa Blanca <datos@tvt-datos.es> wrote:
For example, another /22 with give more than double time. Not just a few weeks/months. Double the time. You can not know that. You can not know if Im correct or not. But as my experience, as more space you have, more flexibility. IP use is "like" the bandwith use. Not for doubling your customers will make you use double bandwith. So if you double your max bandwith you can have more than double customers. Concurrency is the word. Doubling your IP space will give you mooooore time.
A little bit more than 20% of RIPE LIRs have 5 stars. We can be proud of being one. Are you guys one of them? Unless you are planning to take away v4 address space from people, I don't see how that is relevant. Is relevant to know if a LIR with only a /22 needs more v4 space. If we are trying to push ppl towards IPv6 this could be a good start point. It is real that, what we've done is not working since nobody is deploying IPv6, maybe becouse they took enough space before the exhaustion policy. At this point, it's clear that consensus will not be reached. Wow, 4 persons from 10k+ LIRs said no and it's clear...amazing.
As you still seem to be determined, you are free to create a proposal like "any LIR which reaches five stars and has only one single /22 will get one additional /x", but I expect it to not come to fruition. Why not? Are you selling IP Space so you dont want that policy going up? Or you just have enough IP space so dont really care about the rest of
Hi Richard, the LIRs?
Personally, I will try to stop posting in these threads,
Please, feel free to stop replying to any thread about this topic . As a community is not good, but I cant force you to keep posting on those threads.
-- Daniel Baeza Centro de Observación de Red Dpto. Internet y Telefonía Television Costa Blanca S.L. Telf. 966190565 WEB: http://www.tvt.es Correo: datos@tvt-datos.es --AVISO LEGAL-- En cumplimiento de la Ley Orgánica 15/1999, de 13 de diciembre de protección de datos de carácter personal, se pone en conocimiento del destinatario del presente correo electrónico, que los datos incluidos en este mensaje, están dirigidos exclusivamente al citado destinatario cuyo nombre aparece en el encabezamiento, por lo que si usted no es la persona interesada rogamos nos comunique el error de envío y se abstenga de realizar copias del mensaje o de los datos contenidos en el mismo o remitirlo o entregarlo a otra persona, procediendo a borrarlo de inmediato. Asimismo le informamos que sus datos de correo han quedado incluidos en nuestra base de datos a fin de dirigirle, por este medio, comunicaciones comerciales, profesionales e informativas y que usted dispone de los derechos de acceso, rectificación, cancelación y especificación de los mismos, derechos que podrá hacer efectivos dirigiéndose a Televisión Costa Blanca, S.L., C/ San Policarpo 41 Bajo. C.P: 03181 Torrevieja (Alicante).