You have already been pointed at: https://version6.ru/isp. My, perhaps too optimistic prognosis, is that we'll have IPv6 as a mainstream IP protocol by 2018. The figures of the current growth make me believe in this. On 06/13/16 20:04, NTX NOC wrote:
Almost in Russia, very big country with a lot of ISPs - I can't find any big home ISP who gives IPv6 by default. Most of ISPs get there Ipv6 blocks and play with it. But it's not so good for customers. ISPs prefer still to get IPv4 blocks in additional to the space they have but not to switch to IPv6.
IPv6 will grow very slow in additional with IPv4. So those protocols will live together for long-long time and we need to spend some time for IPv4 as well.
On 12.06.2016 18:30, Arash Naderpour wrote:
As an example in Iran there is only one exit point (AS12880 and AS48159 belongs to one organization) from country to global carriers controlled by government and as they have no LI platform yet on IPv6 there is simply no IPv6 service availability or possibility for Iranian service providers.
There is no possibility to have a direct peering with a global carrier and as a result no native IPv6 connectivity yet. there is also no IXP in the country.
As I said it is not about the difficulty of deploying IPv6, when it is not lawful and is not available to ISPs they have to stick with IPv4. Please refer to ripe ncc lab report and see some IPv4 import figures https://labs.ripe.net/Members/wilhelm/developments-in-ipv4-transfers
P.S last month they started advertising of the IPv6 blocks but no plan to provide a service to ISPs as yet.
*From:*address-policy-wg [mailto:address-policy-wg-bounces@ripe.net] *On Behalf Of *Sergey *Sent:* Monday, 13 June 2016 1:10 AM *To:* address-policy-wg@ripe.net *Subject:* Re: [address-policy-wg] ***CAUTION_Invalid_Signature*** Re: IPv4 reserved space
Global carriers provide that connectivity. What's the problem?
On 06/12/16 18:08, Arash Naderpour wrote:
I was not talking about a global carrier and if they can provide IPv6 or not, It was about availability and possibilities to have IPv6 connectivity everywhere. There are two different subject.
*From:*Dominik Nowacki [mailto:dominik@clouvider.co.uk] *Sent:* Monday, 13 June 2016 12:42 AM *To:* Arash Naderpour <arash_mpc@parsun.com> <mailto:arash_mpc@parsun.com> *Cc:* Alexander Koeppe <Alexander.Koeppe@merckgroup.com> <mailto:Alexander.Koeppe@merckgroup.com>; address-policy-wg@ripe.net <mailto:address-policy-wg@ripe.net> *Subject:* Re: [address-policy-wg] ***CAUTION_Invalid_Signature*** Re: IPv4 reserved space
Not available ?
Please name a global carrier that does not support IPv6.
With Kind Regards,
Dominik Nowacki
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On 12 Jun 2016, at 16:40, Arash Naderpour <arash_mpc@parsun.com <mailto:arash_mpc@parsun.com>> wrote:
And I don't understand why some people think that everyone can deploy IPv6, it is simply not available everywhere. It is not about difficulty, it is about possibility.
-----Original Message----- From: address-policy-wg [mailto:address-policy-wg-bounces@ripe.net] On Behalf Of Alexander Koeppe Sent: Monday, 13 June 2016 12:09 AM To: address-policy-wg@ripe.net <mailto:address-policy-wg@ripe.net> Subject: Re: [address-policy-wg] ***CAUTION_Invalid_Signature*** Re: IPv4 reserved space
I don't understand how much time and energy is being put into the discussion about keeping vintage IP alive. This time and energy would be better off spent in just deploying v6. It's just not that difficult. You just need to develop a stepwise approach. A one-shot would probably fail.
-- Alex
Am 11.06.2016 um 22:35 schrieb Gert Doering <gert@space.net <mailto:gert@space.net>>:
On Sat, Jun 11, 2016 at 10:14:11PM +0300, NTX NOC wrote:
About IPv6 - still now in Russia there are no Home ISPs who gives
IPv6 by default to customers. Nobody wants it, nobody needs it.
The "nobody needs it" is a misconception. Direct your energy there to
make people understand that IPv4 is game over.
Gert Doering
-- NetMaster
have you enabled IPv6 on something today...?
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-- Kind regards, CTO at *Foton Telecom CJSC (ru.fotontelecom)* Tel.: +7 (499) 679-99-99 AS42861 on PeeringDB <http://as42861.peeringdb.com/>, Qrator <https://radar.qrator.net/as42861>, BGP.HE.NET <http://bgp.he.net/AS42861>
-- Kind regards, CTO at *Foton Telecom CJSC (ru.fotontelecom)* Tel.: +7 (499) 679-99-99 AS42861 on PeeringDB <http://as42861.peeringdb.com/>, Qrator <https://radar.qrator.net/as42861>, BGP.HE.NET <http://bgp.he.net/AS42861> http://ipv6actnow.org/