So far, the only proposal that had any chance of coming near consensus was "chop it in small pieces, give every existing and possible future LIR a *single* piece, and nothing more, ever".
and that was the consensus reached in apnic.
The intent is "those that roll out new networks will use IPv6, but are likely to need a few addresses for their translation services" - and since it's very hard to formulate RS-applicable criteria for that, simplicity is our friend here: "a single chunk, done".
It *will* run out, no matter what we do - the only question remaining is "will we able to lessen the pain (especially for future entrants into this arena) a bit with this policy, or not".
for a long while, we have used conserving routing table space to place a barrier to entry to the market. this proposal removes that for future entrants who need a teensie bit of v4 to front to the legacy v4 part of the dual stack network. randy