Turchanyi Geza wrote: [...]
So the hardwired limit of 0.5M IPv4 routes and 0.25k IPv6 does not allow a few hundred thousands more IPv6 routes at all (not even would allow an 0.25M IPv6 limit) -- and speed of processing is an other issue...
Even right now a large proportion of the router boxes on the Internet are *not* capable of dealing with the full routing table in the DFZ. This has been the case for many years already, btw. Still the 'net was and is pretty healthy and packets get shipped to the correct destination. [...]
Strict limits must be kept.
I still believe that it is the ISPs' job to manage the DFZ and to decide which prefixes to accept - or maybe not. I am pretty sure that the PI address blocks are taken from a well-documented space, so it is up to the (individual) ISP(s) to manage their routing environment. I do not see a mandate for the policy and/or the NCC to prohibit a (maybe small) number of participants from doing "the right thing" - from their point of view. In the very end, the money that keeps the IPSs going and earning money is coming from customers, isn't it? :-)
Cheers, Wilfried.