>The difference appears to be that the old LIRs wanted new LIRs to have a chance to exist, while new LIRs do not want new LIRs to exist.


2016-03 is giving more advantage to the old LIRs which is not fair (fairness is not impossible to achieve, at least we need to try), 2015-01 is enough to prevent new LIRs from trading their /22 if that’s their only intention to become a member.  2016-03 is trying to solve a problem but also adding more. I agree that the community should think about the future and new-comers but that does not mean everyone has to agree to a bad policy, resulting in returning smallest blocks by new LIRs while letting old ones continue selling bigger blocks.

I know this policy is not about returning allocations (no need to repeat that again) but some restrictions coming from this are not really acceptable.  

