When a resource is scarce, either you define a high-enough price (GSM frequencies for instance) or you enforce a policy on how it's used. The issue is that even if you free 2 or 3 /8 from 240/4 or DoD, that's still a scarce resource, given the current growth and the forthcoming IoT invasion. David Ponzone
Le 13 juin 2016 à 19:09, NTX NOC <noc@ntx.ru> a écrit :
Not correct. My opinion is that all IPs space should be completely free for all members. It's like letters in the alphabet. You should not pay for letters, you should not pay for your unique name+surname (symbols that allow to identify you like IP address numbers).
So to allow progress to come in we need to use abilities, that we have, reasonably. And here I asked about reserved IPv4 space.
I am here in this discussions because we try to help people to get IP space easy and faster. And I am show here that there a lot of space that could be used.
On 11.06.2016 22:33, Sergey wrote: Agree with Mikael. This is not a provocative question, but are NTX so worried about this proposal because it would affect their businesses selling and leasing IPv4 space? Their webpage mentions it at the top.
The IP addresses aren't here to sell them. They're to be routed and used. This is just a tool. The IPv6 deployment is the only solution.
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