Le jeudi 10 avril 2008 à 09:42 +0100, Niall O'Reilly a écrit :
On 9 Apr 2008, at 11:03, Frederic wrote:
we think that credible to fight for a little space of freedom and it is really a question of freedom.
Think what you like. Until you offer a justification, no-one else is likely to agree with you. Freedom without responsibility just isn't credible.
it's to easy to have this conclusion and it is false (i m not here to talk philosophy). but i think the probleme is really politic. the 2007-1 is the kind of resolution that can change a lot of thing. And you come from a situation that works and you want solve only a problem of a technical nature by a legal contract. Today (before 2007-1) you may have AS and PI for free (no fee, no contract) and people who use these ressource are responsible : they update database, the use bgp properly and some of them, if they grow and then become LIR , drop PI ,get PA. the problem of internet ressource not used and not updated is only procedural. bst regards. Frédéric