Could we please stop these "conspiracy theory" discussion? In essence, the initial question inferred that RIPE is still handing out IPV4 outside of current policies, which I'm pretty sure they don't. There are enough resources available at RIPE (DB, probably BGPlay?) that will prove it, if anybody still is inclined to require confirmation. And whoever might wonder, no, earth isn't flat, either! -- Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Garry Glendown --- Garry Glendown * Professional Services & Solutions NETHINKS GmbH | Bahnhofstraße 16 | 36037 Fulda T +49 661 25 000 0 | F +49 661 25 000 49 | garry.glendown@nethinks.com Geschäftsführer: Uwe Bergmann, Bastian Marmetschke Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Garry Glendown | AG Fulda HRB 2546 PGP Fingerprint: B1CF 4952 F6EB E060 8A10 B957 700E F97F B412 DD32