* Gert Doering wrote:
Now this is v3, trying to work out the last wrinkles, and get it through the process properly, and we got *NO* comments on it.
In order to prevent a drop of the proposal soley by not commenting it: First of all, I support this proposal. Historic experience shows, that direct assigned ressources are lost, because nobody can determine who is using the ressource currently. This 2007-1 (v3) solves this issue for new assignments. Especially the point of forbitten subassignments make me happy. To tell a story from this week: A customer changed his internet connection to us and choosed to exchange his PI to PA. I run into trouble giving the PI back: The inetnum won't disappear for months. On request I was told, that this PI space was never given out, but part of an larger block. Fortunely the admins of the assigned PI space does exists and respond, so the inetnum could be deleted this week. It's interesting to see, that there was no connection between the assigned PI and the subassigned PI anymore. The was a reseller chain for at least three companies, all of them does not exist anymore (one was gone in 1997). In summary 2007-1 (v3) does solve a real issue, so I support it.