I believe this is also important to this group, as it sets the framework for future implementation of global policies.

Please have a look at this proposal and please let us know if you support this.

Hans Petter

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [cooperation-wg] Fwd: [NRO-IANAXFER] Internet Number Community IANA Stewardship Proposal: Final Call for Comments
Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2015 17:27:53 +0100
From: Nurani Nimpuno <nurani@netnod.se>
To: RIPE Cooperation Working Group <cooperation-wg@ripe.net>

Dear colleagues, 

Today the Consolidated RIR IANA Stewardship Proposal (CRISP) team publishes the second draft of the Internet numbers community proposal on the transition of the IANA stewardship. This is intended as a final call for community feedback ahead of the submitting the finalised proposal to the IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Group (ICG) on Thursday, 15 January. 

We understand that many in the RIPE community have a strong interest in this process, and feedback provided in this working group and elsewhere has been crucial in reaching the current draft. 

While there is still an opportunity to provide comments on the current text, we would also like to strongly encourage RIPE community members in favour of this proposal to express their support on this list or via the ianaxfer@nro.net mailing list. A quantifiable level of community support may be important in strengthening the Internet numbers community’s position later in the IANA stewardship transition process. 

As previously, the timeline for responding is quite tight, with a deadline of Monday, 12 January, for all comments. 

Best regards,

Nurani Nimpuno
on behalf of the RIPE CRISP team

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Izumi Okutani <izumi@nic.ad.jp>
> Subject: [NRO-IANAXFER] Internet Number Community IANA Stewardship Proposal: Final Call for Comments
> Date: 8 januari 2015 17:21:08 CET
> To: "ianaxfer@nro.net" <ianaxfer@nro.net>
> Dear colleagues,
> Please find the second draft of the Internet numbers community's
> response to the Request For Proposals issued by the IANA Stewardship
> Coordination Group (ICG).
> This draft has been prepared by the Consolidated RIR IANA Stewardship
> Proposal (CRISP) Team, with considerations of feedback received from the
> global community on <ianaxfer@nro.net> mailing list.
> We have incorporated the following key points in the second draft:
>  - Additional description on contract details, review committee and
>    intellectual property rights
>  - Description revised on Section V. NITA Requirements and VI.
>    Community Process for more clarity
>  - No changes are made to key elements of the proposal
> The CRISP Team have considered all comments expressed on
> <ianaxfer@nro.net> mailing list before the deadline of 5th Jan 2015, and
> would now like to make the final call for comments from the global
> community on the draft proposal, before submitting to the ICG.
> Second Draft proposal:
> ------------------------
> Clean Version  :
> <http://www.nro.net/crisp-proposal-second-draft>
> Redline Version:
> <http:/www.nro.net/crisp-proposal-second-draft-change-control>
> The deadline for providing feedback: Mon, 12 January 2015 23:59 UTC
> Feedback should be sent to         : <ianaxfer@nro.net> mailing list
> Community Inputs Considered by the CRISP Team:
> ------------------------------------------
> You can check the status of the issues raised by the community and
> proposed the CRISP Team positions at:
>   <http://www.nro.net/crisp-iana-xfer-summary-discussion-08012015>
> Key dates:
> -----------
>   Second draft to be published	    :  8 Jan 2015
>   Second draft comments close	    : 12 Jan 2015, 23:59 UTC
>   Final proposal to be sent to ICG : 15 Jan 2015
> How to Engage in Discussions:
> -----------------------------
>  All global discussions, for the CRISP team to consider as community
>  feedback, will be conducted at <ianaxfer@nro.net> mailing list.
>  All the CRISP Team discussions are open to observers.
> Next Step:
> -----------
>  In developing the final draft based on further feedback, the CRISP
>  Team will ensure it has completed considerations of all substantial
>  issues raised by the global community, which are compiled in the
>  published issues list. The proposal will only incorporate issues that
>  the CRISP team believes have received consensus support from the
>  community.
> References:
> ------------
> * Discussions by the CRISP Team
>    Details of all the CRISP team's work to date, including recordings,
>    minutes and agendas of all the CRISP Team teleconferences and a
>    public archive of the internal CRISP team mailing list, are
>    available at:
>    https://nro.net/crisp-team
> * Other links:
>  - The ICG request for proposals:
>   <https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-3-2014-09-03-en>
>  - The IANA Stewardship Transition Discussion in each RIR region:
>    <http://www.nro.net/timeline-engagement>
>  - First Draft proposal (Edited version)
>    <http://www.nro.net/crisp-proposal-first-draft-1-1>
> _______________________________________________
> ianaxfer mailing list
> ianaxfer@nro.net
> https://www.nro.net/mailman/listinfo/ianaxfer